Monday 11 May 2009

Zad At Talibeen

Shaykh started Zad At Talibeen a couple of years ago. Insha'Allah I am going to start typing up my notes. Inevitably I have not written everything the Shaykh spoke about because often he says things which are just to be pondered upon. Hence I highly reccomend that you listen to the audio recordings of these talks insha'Allah.

We benefit from the hearts of our Shayukh..

Thursday 12 March 2009

Purpose of this blog

This blog is dedicated to my Shaykh; Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar (db).

Alhamdulillah over the past few years, his words have had such a profoud effect such that I found it necessary to share with others the words of wisdom Allah has inspired him with.

Insha'Allah with the ijaza of my teacher, I intend to write my notes up here for Shaykh's tafseer and hadith classes. I pray others begin to appreciate the beauty of this deen through them and are directed to listening more of the words of my blessed teacher insha'Allah.

I have started this blog now, but inshaAllah I won't be able to start typing till early April due to exams. I request that you all remember me in your dua'as in the meantime.

JazaaumuAllahu Khayr

A servant of the Scholars - Shaykh Husain's website