Thursday 12 March 2009

Purpose of this blog

This blog is dedicated to my Shaykh; Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar (db).

Alhamdulillah over the past few years, his words have had such a profoud effect such that I found it necessary to share with others the words of wisdom Allah has inspired him with.

Insha'Allah with the ijaza of my teacher, I intend to write my notes up here for Shaykh's tafseer and hadith classes. I pray others begin to appreciate the beauty of this deen through them and are directed to listening more of the words of my blessed teacher insha'Allah.

I have started this blog now, but inshaAllah I won't be able to start typing till early April due to exams. I request that you all remember me in your dua'as in the meantime.

JazaaumuAllahu Khayr

A servant of the Scholars - Shaykh Husain's website

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